
The California Lichen Society Bulletin is now open-access! However, continued support of the Bulletin through membership is appreciated. Click here to become a member.

The bulletin welcomes articles on lichens of western North America, lichen conservation, as well as the lichenology community and their activities. Scientific articles are peer reviewed. Nomenclature follows Prof. Ted Esslinger’s cumulative online checklist. Bulletin editors may substitute abbreviations of authors names, as appropriate from The International Plant Names Index. Style follows the most recent published issue. Prints of the articles in PDF format will be shared with the lead author at no cost. Please submit figures in electronic formats with an effective resolution of 300 pixels per inch (600 minimum for line drawings) when viewed at a width of 7 inches.

The deadline for submitting material for the winter issue of the CALS Bulletin is September 1, and the deadline for the summer issue is April 1. A review process is followed. Due to review timelines, article revisions, and/or space constraints, articles may occasionally be scheduled for publication in a later issue at the editor’s request and with the author’s permission.


What do these four lichens have in common?

Lecanora mellea

Polycaulonia pollinarioides 

Sigdridea californica

Acarospora obpallens

Find out on page 28 in Winter 2021 - Volume 28 No. 2!